El Corte Inglés y Fetico sindicato mayoritario del retail, se comprometen a alcanzar la igualdad efectiva entre hombres y mujeres...
En 1943, este cartel de Howard Miller reivindicó el papel de la mujer en la producción militar de la segunda guerra mundial. Posteriormente en los años 80 se recuperó este cartel...
Las negociaciones que se están produciendo ente los sindicatos y la empresa en relación al segundo plan de igualdad de oportunidades...
FETICO was founded in 1979, creating a different new in the union scene, which was established in the Spanish transition. The self-defined class trade unions have as their principal mission being the gear train of the political parties, which they directly depended on.
Since its origin, The Federation of Independent Workers of Commerce (FETICO), has achieved an important union goal, making sure that our identity signs, how the workers identify us with, are based on the values which have marked our way:
FREE TRADE UNION, created and headed by workers themselves, looking after their defence in the face of oppression, social and cultural promotion of the labour market, an instrument to construct a participatory society, in a democratic and free framework, where people –their moral dignity, liberties, cultural promotion, material progress- are capital value whose defence has to be the best base in the search for the common good.
PLURALIST TRADE UNION and open to all workers. Mutual respect regarding ideas independent of their nature.
INDEPENDENT TRADE UNION, of the Government, patronage and political parties, simply governed by the will of its affiliates, without external interference.
DEMOCRATIC TRADE UNION, but it is not a formal democracy, but a living and direct democracy with effective participation of all the workers, making and acting on decisions. Nourished by for progressive training of its militants, nourished by the critical and analytical skills, nourished by the constant information, which permits it to take reasoned decisions. Defending the autonomy of different section unions as well as the federated unions.
UNITARY TRADE UNION, because it is a labour movement, independent of political, philosophic, religious ideas… A movement, which arrases from the workers action and which always reflects, their opinion. The UNITY is understood from the PLURALITY, not from the MONOPOLY IDEAS.
PROFESIONAL AND APOLITICAL TRADE UNION, workers sector must embrace social and economic. This is a movement that differentiates the political from the social.
ACTIVIST TRADE UNION, but not simply limited to purely social or economic demands, but increasing the union scope to the workers affected.
AGREEMENT TRADE UNION, aware that we seek continuous improvement of our situation as workers, we have chosen agreement and dialogue as a safe and effective way to reach our aims, rather than the permanent confrontation.
Gorverning bodies
In 1979 the Federation of Independent Workers of Commerce (FETICO) was founded.
Since 2012 the FETICO’s statutes and its governing bodies have adapted to progress and social growth.
The role of the Secretary-General (as Antonio Ucero and Antonio Quintano) has been subsumed into joint representation in a Executive Committee in order to democratize the union.
Executive Committee / Training technical secretaryship / Administrative technical secretaryship
Federated unions
Adriana Mosquera “Nani” es caricaturista, bióloga, diseñadora y escritora hispano-colombiana, autora de Magola, una de las tiras cómicas más conocidas en Iberoamérica...
Fetico quiere dar visibilidad y concienciar a través de estos carteles, destacar el papel de la mujer, en la búsqueda y lucha por la igualdad real de oportunidades
Los pasados días 26 y 27 de noviembre se celebró en Graz (región de Estiria, Austria), la reunión programada dentro del calendario del proyecto ALL-ECOM (proyecto liderado por FETICO dentro del Erasmus +). El evento tuvo lugar en las instalaciones de la representativa Cámara de Comercio de Estiria (WKO).
Hace dos años FETICO comenzó un nuevo proyecto, innovador y único: ALL-ECOM. La misión estaba clara y era seguir trabajando para ser uno de los grandes sindicatos en Europa y apostar por el comercio electrónico (E-Commerce) como una nueva vía de crecimiento y desarrollo.
Durante los días 30 y 31 de marzo ha tenido lugar el kick-off meeting del proyecto ALL-ECOM en las oficinas de FETICO en Madrid. Han sido dos días de intenso trabajo donde hemos puesto a cara muchos de los miembros que integran este interesante proyecto; han venido partners desde Austria, Países Bajos y Portugal, así como de España también.
A finales de este mes tendrá lugar la primera reunión denominada “kick-off meeting” en la sede de Fetico en Madrid pero a lo largo de los tres años habrá reuniones en Austria, Portugal y Países Bajos para acabar en Madrid de nuevo
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